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Doesn’t it figure

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, April 7, 2006 at 4:42 pm by flerly.

30 minutes left on my shift and I’m here just long enough to see that they apparently got the custom support emails running again, so it’s back to the tedium of replying and logging a million inquiries. Thank God only 30 more minutes for me today, but this is the signal that I WILL afterall be doing this crap from 1-6pm tomorrow.

For Skittles, we’ll just carryout the plan B we discussed and let JT get you and swing back up here. Just let me know what time you think you’ll be home and ready. And thanks for the make-ahead dessert recipe that I can get done tonight and have no worries about tomorrow.

FYI, now I remember reason #8million why I hate calling my doctor’s office. Their answering service that answers if they don’t pick up in ONE RING which tells you that if it’s not an emergency, please call back during normal business hours…. when you’re calling during normal business hours. I was about to hop in the car and drive over there and just MAKE an appointment when….

bingo.. support duty for 30 minutes. Whoop, there comes another one. Better shut up and work.



  1. aoide has made a Comment

    Plan B sounds great. How about if I am ready by 6. That will give us time to get you and get there on-timeish. Don’t forget to tell james that he wants to go to north ave, then turn left at argone and right on 7th and then left on Durant. 10th will be a big no no. Think this is a dressy affair?

    April 7, 2006 @ 4:46 pm

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    i think no, but i’ve been wrong maybe twice.

    Magoo can correct.

    i may show up in pajamas, not having had time to shower tomorrw. You never know.

    April 7, 2006 @ 4:48 pm

  3. flerly has made a Comment

    We may still be on for plan A. Looks like the shit broke again about a half-hour after they “fixed it”. There’s been no leads since shortly after my shift ended, which leads me to believe there’s no one working on it tonight and hopefully not over the weekend.

    April 8, 2006 @ 1:01 am

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