Smarter than the average bear?
I was getting a couple things ready to pack in the “pic-a-nic basket” for my outing tonight, when I realized…
oh damn… my picnic basket was trashed. It got crushed. Boo! =\ Oh well, still have a little cooler pack and surely there is a suitable tote bag around here for things.
Yeah for picnics and movies in the park, right Yogi?
11:09 edit: It was A Hard Days Night
Well, yeah for picnics and half of movies. The sky was ominous and a loud thunder boom sent many people packing, including us. Kit can’t tell the Beatles apart… tee hee. =)
I think I might actually be up for all of these this year… weather permitting.
kvinna has made a Comment
Ooo, I remember going to Yellowstone when I was little and watching movies on an outdoor screen. That totally rocked. The other thing that rocked was that Yogi’s birthday was always right around my birthday! Yay! *prance*
June 1, 2006 @ 3:22 pm