For the halibut…
I don’t know why I sit down to check work emails on a Sunday night, but it’s a thing… so, in doing a bit of quick research so I can respond to a message in the morning, I logged into the leads management center for one of our realtors and see that tonight Harry Potter registered to look at properties on their website. His email address, in case you were wondering, is
What a nice, civilized way to put in dummy info. Most people just go with the name F. U. at or something along those lines, since our system merrily allows most such things to pass. (We’re no Bank of America.)
Anywho… had a fun evening of pizza and chez geek/greek at Maggie & Ben’s house. Of course, Maggie isn’t supposed to be eating spicy or greasy food OR having alcohol before her surgery this week, but she’s just happy to have an appetite back now and will eat what she damned well pleases. I guess it was sort of a “going away party” for her gallbladder.
And now… to bed. Shyeah.
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