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nearly sorted

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 at 1:02 am by flerly.

Well, there’s a big-ass tv downstairs, and other than coming up for food, JT hasn’t let it out of his sight since he got home. Boy was that easier to take down the stairs than the old one was to get upstairs. As Brad said, upstairs that old tv looks sort of tiny… and he hadn’t even seen the new tv yet.

We may have overestimated how big a tv we needed for the space. Or rather, we have bought the tv that should last us into a new, bigger space. Yeah, that sounds better. JT took pictures, so I’m sure you’ll see them in a post tomorrow.

Meanwhile, my home-office area is basically resituated and functional again. There is no good way to rearrange to allow for tv viewing from the futon until I drastically reduce this home office area with some new furniture, a couple flat-panel monitors and a better filing system.

I guess other than giving into the tv-buying impulse finally, being unable to resist the massive drop in price as the new XBR2 models are about to hit the market, our anniversary went pretty uneventfully. Not sure JT’s mom even remembered. We battled craptastic construction and accident-slowed traffic on Saturday morning which put our arrival in Chattavegas, starving, at a little after 2pm. We scarfed down some fast food then hit the hospital, where we found out that it was actually JT’s Nana and her husband’s 8th wedding anniversary… same day as ours. She looked pretty good, for having just had a quadruple bypass, and is expected to be released today to go home and recover. We left there about dinnertime, not really hungry yet, so went straight onto visiting other folks. As it was, we never did get our nice dinner out, unless you count what may become our new anniversary tradition… midnight dinner at the Krystal before we hit the road home. I laughingly told JT that Mom asked me earlier what you get someone for their 3rd anniversary and I hadn’t known what to tell her. Now I can tell her it’s Krystal.

Oh well, I guess all is good. Although, I am tired as hell, in dire need of a shower, it’s nearly 1am, I have to be up early tomorrow, and yet again my husband is MIA and I’m feeling unloved, but at least this time I know it’s just the tv. There are just some things a girl can’t expect to compete with. Maybe I’ll take Dale’s tip and buy myself some cheery flowers tomorrow. I did take the trouble to clear off the desk space for them…


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