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Web designer/graphics people looking for a little extra work?

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at 5:25 pm by flerly.

It so happens that another former co-worker (but only casual acquaintance this time) is looking for a clone of me (or me) to help one of his customers with building a web site and doing some other graphics for marketing their company. It may include logo design, business card design, etc. Not a lot of details yet.

I, however, though I would love the dough, don’t see me fitting this into my schedule in any timely manner, and it is (today) not worth quitting this job for a contract gig of indeterminate time.

If you, however, find you have a similar skill set to me (that is to say, complete poser), and would like me to pass your name along (he is requesting I do so ASAP), by all means, give me a shout.


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