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For lack of a better title, we’ll just call this one… “grunt”

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, September 8, 2006 at 7:39 pm by flerly.

/end shitty week.

/begin shitty weekend…

As in, finally a weekend that we don’t have to be anyplace, although Mom tried really hard to guilt me into coming up to work on her computer. But, not having to be anyplace means no excuse to ignore all the crap that’s piling up to do around here. Well, plenty of excuses, but if we don’t get shit done this weekend, then we may drown in the stuff piling up before we have another weekend here to deal with it. If I’m good later tonight and all of tomorrow, I should be good for some chillout time on Sunday with the ladies. Chilling out sounds like a nice reward.

But for now, this crappy day, this crappy headache, all the crappy people in the world (read: REALTORS), can go away for a little longer while we Riff on Star Trek V for a bit.

PS: I just ordered this little gem. A movie I love, autographed, with commentary. Sweet.


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