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It’s not easy being delinquents.

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Saturday, September 9, 2006 at 4:02 pm by flerly.

Breakfast out? Sure. Hey, we’re near Frye’s, let’s go. Ooh, we’re near Best Buy, let’s go. Ooh, it’s 4pm and we just got home to begin our weekend cleaning.

But we’re now proud owners of a stack more DVDs we really wanted, including Cromartie High the movie, Thank you, Best Buy!

(If you care, Frye’s has up to season five of the Gilmore Girls on DVD for $18.99 each, as opposed to the $42.99 at Best Buy)

Weeee! And my mood is much improved. I’ve been squealing about my car being paid off all day. I’m actually psyched to start on my closet project. I feel loads better already!

PS: How funny was it that we Riffed on Star Trek V on the evening of Star Trek’s 40th anniversary? Must have been somewhere in the geek subconscious…


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