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Whoa.. Happy Birthday to me

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Sunday, September 24, 2006 at 12:16 pm by flerly.

In the midst of having much fun with family in Chattavegas this weekend (and going to JT’s high school reunion), JT’s mom realizes she won’t see me again until well after my birthday next month, so she decides to go ahead and give me my gift.

She’s good. This in multicolor is the exact purse cousin Jennie and I took a massive fit over. Well, Jennie wants the all black one. I now own the multi-color that I loved. I’m so spoiled! Hooray for excellent girlie gifts!

Of course, Jennie is jealous and threatening to steal it. Yet, I’m jealous of her present this weekend. She just picked up one of these that is currently sitting in a trailer in the driveway here. Now that is an excellent gift there. It is so sweeeet.

Wonder if she’d take a trade.



  1. calamine_tea has made a Comment

    Thank you guys so much for the gift! I was able to acquire the ottoman I have been lusting over because of it! Love you guys!

    September 24, 2006 @ 7:25 pm

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    Yippee! Kit mentioned you were saving for an ottoman there, so we figured that gift card would help you out. We had such a great time at your party. Hopefully that was just the beginning of a great year!

    September 25, 2006 @ 7:29 pm

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