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Go team venture pumpkin!

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Sunday, October 22, 2006 at 10:02 pm by flerly.

Pumpkin carving – check (Hopefully someone will share pictures soon, since I didn’t take any. Mine, a Venture Brothers collage. JamesT’s, Helper. Sweeeeet.) Edit: The shared photos.

Bachelorette party – check (Hurray for girls, wine, Thai cooking, Alon’s bakery, and hot naked guys that act interested in you for only a buck)

The Prestige seen – check (I’d read a review that said something like, “I’ve never seen a movie that strayed so far from the book, yet stayed so true to the book”. Now I understand what they meant. I liked it!)

Tonight – new adult swim shows… new Dexter.

Tomorrow – Work, doctor, girls & pottery hurray!

This week – Live from Lawrenceville for three horrible days.

At some point… must clean house, must do laundry, must pack for trip.


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