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Hey it’s Wednesday!

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Wednesday, November 8, 2006 at 9:18 pm by flerly.

There must be some reason to post, other than it’s a hellish Wednesday – work all day then come home to work all night day. One hour left on this shift, and though it’s slow, it’s not quite slow enough to allow me to just run away and play Guitar Hero 2 all night.

I did, however, try a grand adventure of stopping by Frye’s after work to see if I could find a second controller. Our existing second controller would pick the day after I buy the game alone instead of game plus controller to have two buttons completely die. But, you know, who needs those buttons. Wait… we do, thus it was priority-one to find a new controller today.

However, it’s a bit after 9pm and the damn thing is still in the box. Downstairs. In front of the big-ass-tv. In front of the ps2. Which is off. All those sentence fragments make me want to cry. (Read: addict)

In OTHER news, Mom says if I can get any of the feral kittens to take to me well enough to come home, that she’ll take them once I get it litter box trained and not scared shitless of people. I, of course, told her she needed to take two of them. She thinks I’m funny. Tonight, however, there were just too many cars passing for them to come up to us for long. The same few little ones are willing to come up and eat from right beside us, so I still have a little hope. Just a little. If we rescue any, it’ll probably have to be by this weekend.

All right… that killed time. Back to work.



  1. piskie has made a Comment

    fuck wednesday. i hate wednesday. i want a cigarette. either that i want to kill someone. or viciously kick someone in the head. or punch through some walls.

    i think this has more to do with quitting smoking than wednesdays though.

    November 8, 2006 @ 9:52 pm

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    You’re giving up the cancer stick? Good for you (and my allergies!)

    If you need a list of people to kill, viciously kick or whatever, I can provide a roster that ought to keep you busy until you kick the habit. =\

    Good luck

    November 8, 2006 @ 9:54 pm

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