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an evening of <a href=”http://www.righteousbabe.com/ani/index.html”>righteous babes</a>

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Monday, April 29, 2002 at 11:13 pm by flerly.

Well, managed to squeeze in dinner at Chevy’s with long-lost Bruce & Jane before seeing Ani DiFranco at the Tabernacle with . Very interesting evening.Wasn’t expecting “Drum & Tuba” as an opening act…. though they were actually, drum, tuba, and guitarist, still… interesting, to say the least. And, Ani was SO funny for a fast-talking, stick figure girl who’s pants twist around cuz they dance so funny =) Got to get some of those shoes, too. Clunky, defined. And my wasn’t there a lot of granola in the audience, as expected, but as said almost sadly… we didn’t even get hit on. Of course, it looked like all the Lollapalesibans already had dates. I’m teasing.. it was really entertaining. Not sure I wanted to go, but did at last motivate to create something original for work in the morning, so why the hell not go have some fun.

Curse, missed six feet under again, but wtf, can’t live life tied to the tv set. (I say this knowing that I taped Angel while I was gone, just couldn’t tape HBO cuz no cable box on the tv with the vcr… smart, huh?)

Oh well… mexican food, no trip to gym, evening of sloth at a concert…. better at least go study some Java today.



  1. signde has made a Comment

    addicted to six feet under now? the last episode was killer, you should make sure you catch it sometime.

    April 30, 2002 @ 10:35 am

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    isn’t every episode “killer”?

    oh .. that was bad.

    April 30, 2002 @ 10:57 am

  3. signde has made a Comment

    hahahahah good one!

    April 30, 2002 @ 11:09 am

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