It’s all coming together…
Well, it was a whirlwind day of appointments — mainly because I’m just not used to going on Mondays, but I had to reschedule since I need tomorrow at home so I can be here and assist, if needed, my MOTHER to find the house! That’s right … my mom is coming to Atlanta AND spending the night with me, so we can get up Wednesday, meet my sis and board the plane (Mom’s first plane ride ever) to San Diego for a whole week with the frewtnut niece. I am SO happy about the whole thing. SO happy, in fact, that I will continue to annoy you all with random words in ALL CAPS!
Oh, and yes, I said “day of appointments.” In case I didn’t spell it out before, I was contracted for another month, and given the “understanding” that we can probably do this month to month indefinitely, or for at least as long as I can afford to work for these magic beans.
I am still actively looking for a full-time, real job … with real money and real benefits… at least when I get back to town I will be “actively” looking, but rather than just outright quit and consider some temp work to make ends meet, I’ll just consider this month-to-month stringing-along as “temp work”. It is still only a total of 3 days a week, allowing this month for some makeup days for me to take my trip.
But anyway, I should take this time to tie up some things for work so they won’t miss me so much while I’m gone. YEAH for travelling!
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