Happy actual birthday,
My little piece-of-shit car is about to turn over 100K, with the next trip up to the office, I’d say. Pending it making it this week. Better go start it, since it’s sat for 3 days again. The notion of a car payment again right now really hurts. Although, thankfully over the weekend my letter from the student loan people arrived notifying me that I am now officially paid in full. No more student loans! Whee! Though, as soon as the car was paid off, it started falling apart. Does this mean my brain is about to break down? Ooh… not looking forward to that one.
On Spycraftiness, this first adventure was a definite learning experience. I lay awake musing on things for hours last night, and have many notions that I think will improve things for everyone. It’s a big group to manage, so we really need to compartmentalize a bit. After all my thinking about it, I’m raring to start a new session…. But, now I get to wait until Oct 28. Two weeks, and then we’ll be leveling characters first.
Okay, I have many work things to accomplish this morning. Time to get back into the groove.
fluffyluggage has made a Comment
I feel your pain! I think your brain is doing ok, so you can probably relax on that account. I think fortunately, we usually get a lot more miles out of that than a car! tee-hee! Glad you had a good weekend, I sooooooo miss gaming! <3 ya, J
October 15, 2007 @ 12:27 pm
schlemaggle has made a Comment
David Bowie is soooo pretty. Like a “pitty, pitty pincess.” And thanks again so much for coming this weekend. We had an absolute blast, even if our stomachs were a little upset from all of the MEATY BACON GOODNESSZOMG!@!!$!%! 🙂 Must do it again sometime when Kibbert can be persuaded to join us.
October 15, 2007 @ 4:45 pm
ninjaben3 has made a Comment
David Bowie. Elton John. They’re all the same really. But yayface for putting that up. I reckon I could’ve just used the ole interwebs myself, oh well.
We did indeed have a blast this weekend. It was the best birthday weekend in the history of time. I’ve already found a frame for the print and it has a lovely spot on the mantle (though Maggie says it doesn’t go there).
October 16, 2007 @ 6:11 am