This weekend… Fireworks organizing and Christmas preparations in Alabama with sis and her hubby. Must find suitable audiobook for the journey. Must finish a bit of rollover-to-Friday-even-though-I’m-off work. Must finish laundry so we can pack.
Meteor shower last night was nice, though none of them cooperated to be in James’ shot. Hadn’t expected them to be so bright.
Okay… couldn’t con JT into a midnight show of “I Am Legend” last night, but did con him into fetching lunch so I could finish working today. Guess I’d better do that.
fluffyluggage has made a Comment
Hope you had fun! What audiobook did you settle on? What kind of audiobooks do you normally listen to for long trips? I’m thinking of doing that some, and was thinking about trying to come up with some ideas, wondered your opinion…
Also, when you see I Am Legend, let me know what you think–Ed and I really want to go, would love to know how you thought it was! The Geminids were beautiful, no? Ahh…
Take care <3 Jen
December 16, 2007 @ 7:10 pm