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Stupid posts from Texas, #2

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 10:00 pm by flerly.

Just had to record another stupid thing that boredom in a hotel room causes me to be fascinated with.

In this room there are 3 pictures.

By this desk… is a picture of pens and paper on a writing desk. Yes, I know what to do on the desk, but thanks for the tip.

By the sink in the bathroom… is a picture of some toiletries by a bathroom sink. Oh good, now I know not to leave my toiletries on the tv, thanks for the picture.

By the bed… is a picture of a palm tree. Any would-be Holiday-Inn-subliminal-picture experts want to translate their message here? I’m hoping it’s something about “wood” and not some hint that I look like a monkey (since it’s not even my birthday).

And… yes, I just tuned into the rerun of the Rock of Love 2 premiere. Thanks, Stacy. You’re not the only one out of touch.



  1. tiger66466 has made a Comment

    I think I remember reading you’re in Dallas?

    I was in Plano back in November and the roadways ticked me off. Those stupid toll roads and they will confuse you – you think you’re going on the street you want and end up on the toll. (Well, it happened to me at least).

    I know Plano and Dallas aren’t RIGHT next to each other but I just had the impression of so much concrete while I was there. I called it the concrete jungle. Barely any grass and trees and such. Just ROADS. I found it depressing.

    I just don’t watch VH-1 EXCEPT for Rock of Love. I knew it was coming but I just didn’t realize it would be so soon. I got a voicemail in the middle of a nutrition store and I’m just a cussin’ away and was in total shock that I’d missed it. Glad I was able to help you too! lol

    January 16, 2008 @ 11:03 am

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    I’m actually in San Antonio, after a brief stop in Houston.

    And yup, total concrete jungle. And it’s been overcast every day here, so it’s just like a big gray world, as far as I’m concerned. Not scenic here.

    January 16, 2008 @ 4:23 pm

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