Another little update

Had some fun “babysitting” my sis unexpectedly last week/weekend, and I think maybe helped her out a bit. Just thinking about all the projects they have in the works before the big 5th of July bash makes me tired.
As to this PC, it still locks up and reboots daily, and is giving me a message suggesting another hardware problem — beyond the failling hard drive which we replaced. Still haven’t installed Office, or Photoshop, or Dreamweaver here…
As to my iPod, it is dead. I thought it was just the battery, but apparently the “frowny-face iPod” icon means trouble according to their support page. It won’t go into disk mode, and their only option says to return it for service, at a cost of $$$. Guess I’ll just try to get a new one. =\
I’ve got tons of work work to do now, as a couple of big issues came up last week while I was at Sis’s house — one of which is a fine/compliance issue which requires a major overhaul to a client’s site by April 30.
I’ve also got a couple outstanding items for SouthernLightsPyro to address, including business cards and a brochure. I THINK I got our phone number set up today, after a short battle with skype and paypal, which I still don’t understand. Company emails should be set up. Still need to brainstorm our 5th of July bash T-shirt designs for the store…
And, because we so need the money, I’ve taken a logo redesign contract outside of normal work, which will be taking up my next couple weekends.
Then.. May 3rd — Our First Official Firework Paying Gig – a wedding, and May 4th – JT Family Reunion.
I THINK the next weekend we’ll be in Bristol for Fatass niece’s graduation, and isn’t that Mother’s Day? Then AL niece Jessie walks for her college graduation some weekend in May… things are so busy! Edit: Got those backward.. Jessie first, then Fatass graduation is May 31.
I also really need to figure out my party invitations for our 5th of July bash, so we can get them out and get an idea of how many people will show up — to arrange lodgings, or air mattresses, or tents, or whatever we can.
All of this to do, and I can’t even make myself leave the house to make a grocery store run yet today. I think I’m so overwhelmed Ive just about shut down. Not in a million years do I want to start getting up at 5AM again to make morning bootcamps, but finding the will to go exercise from 6-7pm after such shitty days sure is trying. Just have to remember how important it is to keep doing this… to starve the cannibals…
Created by OnePlusYou
schlemaggle has made a Comment
Created by OnePlusYou
you (b)eat me.
miss you.
April 15, 2008 @ 4:56 pm
fluffyluggage has made a Comment
I want to comment on the rest later, and I will, but FWIW, our computer was doing a lot of what you’re describing, and it turned out to be infested with a major virus. I know you replaced the hard drive, but I’m wondering if one of the components you re-installed was affected, and it’s infected this new hard drive? Just a thought, but if so, if you have your receipt your hard drive should be warrantied. You probably want to have all new programs re-installed on it, tho, just to be on the safe side. Your hard drive should be completely brand new and shouldn’t be doing this at all. And you probably know all this, too. But you might also want to get a different virus program and a spy sweeper-type if you don’t have it as well… Just from my own experience, what we were told.
We have this guy we take our laptop to in Morrow, and he does all our computer work for literally nothing compared to the big stores, like Geek Squad and stuff. Pennies on the dollar comparatively. He’s awesome, and he does stuff really well, and he gives great advice and has saved so much data it’s insane! Since our last crash, we’ve done much better since he got ahold of it. Can’t even begin to tell you… If you want his info, let me know, I’ll be glad to give it to you. And I got a super deal on Norton Pro and a 40 gig flash drive, too! Just sayin…
April 16, 2008 @ 12:41 am
ninjaben3 has made a Comment
Created by OnePlusYou
April 16, 2008 @ 6:05 am
kikyo27 has made a Comment
Created by OnePlusYou
April 16, 2008 @ 8:44 am
living_tonglin has made a Comment
Created by OnePlusYou
April 17, 2008 @ 9:55 pm
living_tonglin has made a Comment
I’d like to know who this guy is, since I work in Morrow and am having equipment issues I’d like to get advice on.
April 17, 2008 @ 9:57 pm
fluffyluggage has made a Comment
Sure! I don’t know the guy’s name off the top of my head. The one who does all our work is the owner. The business name is Compu-Time Atlanta, it’s in the shopping center where Best Buy used to be, near Costco, on Southlake Pkwy. Phone number is 770-968-6697. Call ahead, cuz he has strange hours! Like later in the morning till later in the evening Mon-Sat. Tell him Ed Surdam sent you, if you remember. That’s my husband, and I’m sure he’d appreciate you mentioning his name! 😉
We usually have to set up an appointment to come in, or at least set up a day, and then leave it there a few days for him to do the diagnostics and fix it, but we usually can pick it up within a few days, so not bad at all. With the Geek Squad, they had it like 2 weeks, and it was ridiculous, not the mention the outrageous cost! Good luck!
April 17, 2008 @ 10:18 pm
fluffyluggage has made a Comment
Created by OnePlusYou
I hope your sister is doing better, and your computer and iPod for that matter. It sounds like you have been and will continue to be very busy for several more weeks/weekends!!
“I must work out, I must work out, I must work out…” lol–I know the feeling. I keep trying to tell myself I gotta get up off my ass and do something. I kinda am at the point where I can walk now a little bit (haven’t been able to cuz of my shoulder, but it’s getting to the point where I can start working on walking now, so long as it’s just free walking, not on a treadmill!). I still gotta take it slow, but I can get out and do somethin, instead of just sitting around. I could never do the bootcamp thing–that’s just way too much! I don’t know how you manage it! WOW!!
April 17, 2008 @ 11:26 pm