I’m surrounded!

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Subject: Rick’s Website
We were in Rick’s website and got off the home page, then tried to go back to the home page, and it wouldn’t go back to the home page.
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Subject: RE: Rick ‘s Website
Connie, what did you click on that got you off of his home page? Knowing that will help me help you.
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Subject: Re: Rick’s Website
I was in Map Search, My Bio, What Is My Home Worth, Property Management, etc., then I tried to click on My Home Page listed across the top, it brought up the registration page. The only way to get back to the home page is using the back key (up in the left hand corner). We would like to have all the topics so that when you when you close them, they go back to the home page (like the topics Get Preapproved, Real Estate News, Real Estate Definitions). If someone doesn’t use the back key and closes, they are dumped from his website. I’m not sure I am explaining this well enough, but if you go on his website and click on some of the topics, I think you will understand.
To: Kim Thornton
Subject: [FWD: Re: Rick Kumer’s Website]
This is from “stupid”. I guess someone else is stupid also.
Poor Connie RE/MAX *********. Can you “correct” this for them. See below.
From: Kim Thornton [mailto:kim@mynetstrategy.net]
To: ‘mac@mynetstrategy.net’
Subject: RE: [FWD: Re: Rick’s Website]
Tell her from every page of the site, you can click on the 1) LOGO, 2) WELCOME, 3) Return to HOMEPAGE link at left, or 4) HOME link at the bottom to get back to the start page of the site, but you don’t HAVE to go back to the start page. If you’re on BIO, and you click on SEARCH PROPERTIES, well, you go to the property search without having had to go back to the homepage and click Find a Home.
Amazingly enough, the term “My Home Page” or “Your Home Page” is a pretty common term used on sites which have logins for repeat customers, and it does and should go to the customer login screen. Think of it from the customer’s point of view reading “My Home Page” — they would unlikely expect it go to back to the Agent’s start page, as once logged in, it goes back to the client’s — the end user’s — start page, where they can do new searches, review saved properties, etc.
Believe it or not, this stuff really isn’t broken, so I’m not sure what to “fix” here.
I’m really not sure how much more clear this can be.
But you know what, I give up. On her fucking site I am going to make every link open in a new damn window, because if I have to have another round of this on top of EVERY OTHER THING this week, my head will explode. I’m pretty sure I aleady gave myself an ulcer just today.
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