1 more month? Maybe 1 1/2…

Customer contacts me last week wants to discuss a site update/ major overhaul… I suggest we have a conference call, and suggest (today) Monday afternoon, and request that he just let me know the time he wants, and he’s got it.
Mac has completely unwarranted conniption fit that I’m out of touch Friday (a vacation day I took) and leaves me messages and sends emails about the need for an urgent conference call with same customer.
Customer doesn’t even bother returning any of his messages until today, which he copies me on, giving his availability times for a conference call today.
Mac leaves messages on work phone, cell phone, and emails me to let me know the customer will be available for a conference call today, and we need to do it ASAP.
I am resisting the urge to write him back to thank him for the phone messages and emails to make sure i’m going to be able to attend for the conference call THAT I FUCKING SCHEDULED and shouldn’t have even included him. Instead, I am ignoring him and continuing to set up MY CALL with the customer directly.
Oooh.. and Mac was also kind enough to forward a support request that he was copied on to support this morning, which I love, but at least in his brief message he stated that Mary is on vacation this week. She certainly is entitled to the days off, but a heads up that I need to cover all of support this week would be nice.
Edit:Upon just now re-reading I realize I was just so angry writing this that I had a blatant disregard for grammar or sentence structure. Then I realized that this is just another stupid work post, and I was sad that I post this before the recap of a fairly fun weekend of travel.
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