Too. Much. Fun.

It’s Satuday night, and I’ve killed most of today digging up photos and uploading them to our party website! I cannot believe how much fun I’m having with all of this stuff. The few people who already have the URL have been helping me edit things, but I think there is plenty up there now for everyone to go through when they get their invitations in the mail.
Did I mention how excited I am to have people be visiting and enjoying this site! I can’t wait to see what photos people start sending — already, I’ve got one from Pete and one from Angela. I am sad that I forgot to go through mom’s photo drawer while we were up there, but I did find some pictures of dad to share.
In fact, I may be just enough obsessed with this website that James and I are considering driving on up to Chattanooga tonight instead of in the morning. It will certainly be cooler in the car, and I think he’s bored out of his mind with me planted obsessively in front of this computer today!
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