wow… part 2

What is this, American Apparel? Your new “granny-panty bikini“? Now that is hot. Buy one, now.
Why does the one on the right make me think of Silence of the Lambs?
What is this, American Apparel? Your new “granny-panty bikini“? Now that is hot. Buy one, now.
Why does the one on the right make me think of Silence of the Lambs?
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schlemaggle has made a Comment
It looks like the red pair comes with a tiny built-in penis. That is somewhat…disconcerting.
June 20, 2008 @ 11:39 am
scienceiscool has made a Comment
i think it’s a conspiracy against gen y to trick them into wearing the most unflattering clothes possible in the name of cool.
June 20, 2008 @ 12:06 pm
aoide has made a Comment
I want to put my fat ass in a pair of those and stand outside my house and see if the short bus stops to pick me up.
June 20, 2008 @ 12:14 pm
ninjaben3 has made a Comment
ok…so how is it that in one pic she’s got a penis and in the other she’s sporting a camel toe? i agree with nicola, it’s all a conspiracy.
oh, and it dawned on me that when i was in Chicago, there as an American Apparel store like half a block from my hotel.
June 20, 2008 @ 5:45 pm