Olympic withdrawals…

Even this weekend in Alabama we managed to work in plenty of margarita drinking/olympic watching, so we’ll definately be missing it. Last episode of Generation Kill was last night, too.
We scoped out the location for the next fireworks shoot, did all the paperwork for the insurance, and cashed the check for half the payment. A trip to restock some fireworks items is in order, but the date is yet TBD. Show is Sept. 26th.
As our first trip back to the big party site, we did finally gather up all the crap we’d left behind and bring it home. Spent Saturday mostly helping with picking colors for paint and grout and designing closet systems and such for Pete’s mom, as they are hopefully coming to near the end of her bedroom/bathroom/closet remodel. Also did a bit of gabbing about wedding planning for niece, Jess, and got to peruse an Alabama Bride magazine for some interesting venues.
Meanwhile, here we are. The house is in pretty good order, chores are conquered, and things are maneagable all around again. Work is actually caught up. Things are actually peaceful for a change. With the Olympics over, though, who know how we’ll be spending our evenings now. Actually, considering there is an upcoming show to plan, I think I know how JT will be spending his evenings. We need a little bit of bicycle maintenance, and then we’ll be all set for afternoons riding the trail again now that its cooled off some.
I don’t THINK we have Labor Day plans, as we aren’t planning to do Dragon-con this year. It was an executive budget decision on our part, as we’re saving for our Thanksgiving trip to San Diego. The same decision has also kept us from going out much at all, honestly — thus bikes on the trail are about as exciting as we get for now. On the notable exceptions list, though, has been to allow dough for tickets to a concert with Marc & Jennie in early November, and a ticket to Petit Le Mans for JamesT in October. I suppose we’ll also give in on something around October for my birthday, but I would just as soon save for more San Diego money.
Speaking of birthdays, JamesT is finally getting his big birthday items after much patient waiting. His new speakers should be here Wednesday, so we can once again watch movies and play Rockband and such.
Anywho.. that’s pretty much all the news that’s not new or news. Need to do a visit to Bristol, too, but that’ll probably be joint with sis around our birthdays in October. Other than that we’re just going to try to stay simple, local, on budget, avoid absurdity, and try to come up with a plan for the future of this fireworks business. A show always generates requests for bids on more shows, and we do need to get a handle on what we are willing to do to keep this going.
Edit:..speaking of which, I’m out of business cards apparently, and thus missed an opportunity to hand one to a guy I talked to today at the grocery store. I forget about the signs on my car, so it always startles me at first when strangers walk up to me and start talking fireworks.
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