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A brief update before the “test shoot”

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 8:01 pm by flerly.

The necessary fireworks restocking trip is done. Soooo many miles from Winfield, AL to Louisville, KY, and if you take a wrong turn to go by the river and through town — WOO! you can end up in Indiana by accident. Wasn’t that fun. Not much in the way of Louisville sightseeing, though I’d never been before, but we did make a stop at Bowling Green, KY for a visit to the National Corvette Museum, lots of drooling, lots of depression, cured only moderately by a T-shirt and 2 more smooshed pennies.

Now… a leisurely evening in Alabama with the fam. Tomorrow… work… home. We’re in JamesT’s car with it’s new battery and 2 new tires, but the A/C decided to die on this road trip. Boo.

Also BOO on forgetting my toiletries in AL and having to “smell like a man” until we got home from Louisville and I could shower.

YEAH for learning about “hedge apples” though, and “used cows” and “tattoos while you wait.”

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