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Time to pack up…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 10:59 am by flerly.

Will be meeting niece for brunch before being dropped off at the airport for another loooong day of traveling. Between the one layover, the flying in and out of Birmingham and thus having to drive back to ATL after we land, we shouldn’t be home until the wee morning hours. And we both have to work tomorrow.

I guess I don’t have to say here how hard it is to leave, simply because of how much I miss these guys all the time. I might add that with their crazy schedules I just feel like I didn’t do enough to help them while I was here. I feel like the days off they took to spend with us are days they just got further behind in their already tight routine. It’s a tough feeling to shake, though I know would have rather goofed with us than do the boring household stuff anyday.

I guess it’s really time to pack up and get out of their hair. Did all the great-niece spoiling I could get away with already, hugged her twice today, left her a bunch of notes in her room to find this afternoon. Still get some niece time at brunch, though I’m going to leave her card and present here for her to find after work. Told them all last night that we’ve “done” San Diego, so it’s time for them to move back to the east coast, ASAP.

Sure would love to swing sis & Pete picking them up at the airport for their Christmas visit and bringing the whole clan over to see us for a night or two before going back to Alabama. Otherwise, we likely won’t see them over their Christmas visit, since they have to leave before New Years. Like for them to see the house finally, too. I’ll have to plant a bug in sis’ ear about it.

Anywho… enough stalling. Time to get ready.

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