I’m so behind…

I still haven’t made a real list of Christmas gifts to buy for other people, but I did try to get into the holiday shopping mood by making a short list of wants for myself… always easier to do. Need to put up my Christmas tree, that might help. Collected a lot of travel ornaments this year for it.
My easy list:
Swatches: Mold Light or Suitable Weave, something light and dressy
Gelaskins: Metamorphosis Orchestra (iPod Classic), Dr. Gonzo (iPod 4th Gen), and Blowfish (Nintendo DS Lite) are my favorites. Tea Party is also pretty sweet, but doesn’t seem to fit well on my devices.
Photo frames: wall, standing, floating, brown woods, silver, black 4×6, 8×10, collages, always good
BluRay Dvds: Prince Caspian, Wall-E, Hancock, Wanted
Amazon gift certificate to feed the music and book habit.
Meanwhile, I’ve been kicking around Homebistro.com as an interesting practical alternative gift for the grandparents.
Also, apparently I need to find a big lump of coal delivery service for a certain great-niece who, though good while we visited, seems to have gone back to her old dumbest-smart kid in 7th grade routine.
ps. OH, and I did manage to pay for a fridge today! =)
randomrants has made a Comment
Somehow, I think you’re actually looking for a chunk o’ carbon to send her, but this was cute nonetheless
December 4, 2008 @ 8:11 pm
flerly has made a Comment
That is cute! But yes, we’re looking to point out that bad little girls don’t get Christmas just because they have nice parents. Maybe also we’re trying to make her parents be less nice, via http://www.spanking-paddles.com, and well, if her behavior improves with just a threat, perhaps there’s fun to be had for them!
December 5, 2008 @ 1:05 am