Christmas v1.0

Time is creeping by today, or someone put extra hours in this day, because I’m looking at the clock, seeing shortly after 6pm, and cannot believe it.
This weekend will be the first visit east by the Alabama sis & hubby in quite a while! They’re picking up the Cali niece, hubby & GNI (great neice Ivy) on the way over, and should be here late tonight. She gets to be GNI, at least in writing, because she calls me GAK when she can’t be bothered to say the whole phrase “great aunt Kim” every time. God forbid she just call me Kim.
Anywho… time… has… crawled… today. When we had originally planned on getting the fridge and some furniture from the office this week, I’d figured we’d be buried in a wreck of a house just in time for our visitors. As it is, we’ve actually got it together. There’s beer in the fridge and vodka in the freezer. Still need to run our water line to get the ice maker going, but the essense of the party-fridge is now in place.
James’ office, even, with his new desk, is already all set up. We even managed to keep the countertop and filing cabinets he was using for a desk, just move them down, so we can dub them “Pete’s desk”, as some payback for the Alabama folks who dub the countertop in Pete’s office as “James’ desk”. If only they’d get over this way to use it more often, maybe it would be more true.
Most of you already know I took the Facebook plunge over Thanksgiving, primarily because the frewtnut niece is there. I’m discovering a wide range of folks use it, though, and have found more classmates than on any other free network. Now I’ve got the urge to dig out some yearbooks and look people up. It was sort of strange just listing everyone from the same year at the same high school and asking them to be friends, but that seems to be the norm there. I’m looking forward to sending out some personal messages though — after I look people up!
LJ will likely continue to be my venting/journaling site, but I have to say I’m checking Facebook much more often than LJ now. Perhaps it will help keep mom from passing on her terrible case of “hermit” to me if I manage to reconnect with some folk.
Meh… still not even 6:30. Jeez. They will never get here. =)
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