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T-minus 7 days

Posted in Crazy Wisdom,Workout on Friday, January 6, 2006 at 2:12 pm by flerly.

I’ve always felt awkward exercising at home when there are other people at home, as if I’m embarrassed to be so fat and to need to exercise or something. For whatever reason, instead of my usual lunchtime biking in front of the tv, on days when I have company working from home I think I’ll follow today’s trend.

Today, I spent what amounted to a little over a lunch-hour cleaning and organizing a room of the house. It’s probably not the most intense exercise, but it is movement, which helps with my recent desk-chair backpains, and it is productive for keeping up the house.

On the down side, all that cleaning stirred up so much dust that I’m now sneezing my head off. I’m still concerned about exercising intently while I’m taking medication for allergies and sinus problems. I wonder if the exercise boosts or weakens my immune system, as I do seem to stay sickly forever when I try to go about my usual routine.

I also finished the Body for Life for Women audiobook yesterday, actually, and made a quick run to the grocery store for some healthier items to have around the house for meals and snacking options based on some of her suggestions.

Oh, and for documentation purposes, Monday begins my first week off on my Nuvaring extended use plan. I’m wondering whether I’ll have the first period I’ve had in… 7 years? For the first time in as long I actually bought all those girly necessities at the store yesterday, so I’m prepared as I can be. It might be I get to be icky and crampy for the start of the body challenge, but.. c’est la vie!

Hooray for all sorts of body transformations and a healthier new year!


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