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feeling better

Posted in Crazy Wisdom,Workout on Friday, February 3, 2006 at 7:33 pm by flerly.

Fed up after another long, stressful day where I ended up with that nasty desk-chair back pain again, I’d told JT I was going to shower and be ready in case he wanted to go out tonight. I was really looking forward to some hot water, too, but instead I refilled my water bottle, cranked up the workout music, and hopped on the elliptical for 20 minutes at a pretty brisk pace. Then, sweating my ass off, I threw in my strength training 20 minute DVD and did the upper body workout. Sure, when I finally got to the shower I had trouble raising my arms to wash my hair (ouch), but boy did I feel better mentally.

So, successful attempt at reinforcing the lesson: exercise is a great way to deal with stress. I won’t say lesson learned, but certainly reinforced!


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