Supplement: Alpha-lipoic acid

After a bit of research, I’m electing to try a minor change in my diet routine. Several articles have pointed to simple supplements which may help with insulin signaling to assist people prone to glucose imbalance (a pre-diabetic condition), which is a fairly common low-metabolism type disorder. With my family history, my answers to their fat patterning quiz, and my difficulties with weight loss even with diet and exercise, it seems that my issue may be a fairly easily treated glucose imbalance. At only $10 for a month’s supplements (200mg a day), it seemed a reasonable (smart and cheap) thing to try. It’s also a powerful anti-oxidant. It’s more recommended in it’s potential as an anti-oxidant than as a glucose regulator, but either way, I can’t see it would hurt anything. Maybe I’ll get some brain focus back.
More info:
I’m also looking at: acetyl-L Carnitine, as both of these were also recommended by Dr. Atkins in his recommended daily supplements section. (acetyl-L Carnitine is not exactly the same as the common L Carnitine, though it has similar effects, it is absorbed in the body differently.)
UC Berkeley has patented a formula which is a combination of both of the above, they call Juvenon, designed with the focus on healthy aging. Their dosage of 2 tablets daily contains 1000mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine (HCl) and 400mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid — as well as Biotin and Calcium in small quantities. Their formula is patented and a bottle of pills is in the $40 range.
Not ready to drop the dough on Juvenon, but when I start the ALA regimen, I’ll update.
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