10-day Jumpstart diet suggestion

Found this sugar-free starch-free 10-day diet jumpstart suggestion, which is supposedly pretty effective. Not a lot of detail to it, just “meat” and “salad”, but a note to use no starches, no sugars, not even artificial sweeteners or margarine. Sounds like a jumpstart Atkins to me, but… who knows. It’s saved here for consideration.
Half grapefruit or 8 oz. Glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice
2 eggs: any style (fry your eggs in butter)
2 slices of bacon
1 cup of coffee or tea (black)
Half grapefruit or 8 oz. Glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice
Meat, any style, or fish
Salad with sugarless dressing
1 cup of coffee or tea (black)
Half grapefruit or 8 oz. Glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice
Meat, any style, or fish (gravy must not be made with flour)
Salad (as much as you can eat) with sugarless dressing
Red, green or yellow vegetables, as much as you want (but no potatoes or corn!)
1 cup of coffee or tea (black)
Bedtime Snack:
Tomato juice or skimmed milk
Special Instructions:
Eat at each meal until you are full.
Don’t eliminate anything, but make wise substitutions, if necessary.
Grapefruit is important; it starts the fat-burning process.
Only one cup of coffee per meal.
No eating between meals.
This diet eliminates all sugar & starch. (Fry your eggs in butter; do not use artificial sweeteners.)
Use butter generously on vegetables.
Eat until you are stuffed. The more you eat of the proper combination, the more weight you will lose.
Use as many organic ingredients as possible.
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