Bootcamp! New Recruit!

Got my new recruit packet for OperationBootCamp in the mail today!! The nervousness is setting in. Read about it on the group journal if you’re interested: The Nervous New Recruit!
Other pre-bootcamp updates are also there, so if you want to read it all clicky below.
- Bootcamp: Registered and Paid
- The Biggest Loser: Bootcamp
- About training to get up early
- Early Mornings and Hunger Pangs
Miavita Fitness Tip — Shop ’til you drop…pounds
When you walk around the mall, you’ll get more than you bargained for: A leg up on fitness. Mall walking is a perfect way to make exercise feel less like a chore and more a part of daily life. Shopping centers are heated in winter, air-conditioned in summer, safe, well lit, and free of snapping dogs and pollen. Not only will you burn calories and tone your legs, if you maintain good posture when you walk, you’ll give your abs a workout. Keep yourself straight up while holding in your ab muscles; every step becomes a mini sit-up. Most of us lean forward when we walk, but we can catch ourselves easily at the mall: Just check your posture in your reflection in the windows.
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