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Posted in Crazy Wisdom,Workout on Monday, April 9, 2007 at 7:37 am by flerly.

I hab a code… (stupid weather), but…

Bootcamp: Day one!

We signed an agreement, and thus, after today, I can’t step on the scale for 30 days.

Today: 196.2 lbs after the workout. (Which is up from my calorie-counting diet, but we were bad this weekend fairly consistently — including the booze intake. I expected worse.)

PT Timed Test:
23 pushups
13 situps
11 tricep dips
13:40 mile

Many of the girls were remarking how much harder it is to run outside than it is on a treadmill, and poo-pooing their times. Me, I was happy I finished and didn’t die. I’m one of about the four or five the oldest people in the class, and 2nd to last in the mile jog. There were so many people who signed up this time they had to add a fourth class, they told us. I’m now in the 12th-street crew, Bravo company. The instructors were amazingly cool, with one hanging with us lagging behind folks, helping us to a jog/walk/jog routine to make it there.

Things I need: waterproof jacket, and some kind of wrap to cover my ears. Oh, and per the instructor, might as well stock up on “tiger balm” for soreness. Oh, and groceries. Their suggested food plan is the “Body for Life” plan, fyi.

Oh and, tips on the best way to drive to the Willy’s at Piedmont Park? I’m really not sure where it is, but it supposedly has a parking lot where we are meeting. Edit: Hooray for Google Maps

Hi Boot campers!

Holy Moly! We had fun this morning, yes? Folks – it is so much fun to be out there with all of you! Today is the first day of your Boot Camp journey! If you did not attend the workout this morning, you should have homework (or punishment coming… aaaaaaaah!).

Just a few thoughts on self-talk…

YOU decide what you can and cannot do.

Negative self-talk will GUARANTEE negative results.

If you decide before your workout that it is going to be very difficult and you probably won’t make it— your workout will be more difficult and you probably won’t make it through!

Use the power of your mind to help you reach your goals; don’t let negative thinking hinder your potential.

Replace these (and similar) thoughts:

* I can’t do this
* I will do this

* I can’t go any further
* I will go just a little bit more

* I am not good at (x y z)
* I am improving at (x y z)

* I am going to pace myself and take it easy
* I will push myself beyond where I thought I could go

Believe me, you will benefit from these simple changes!!

Good luck!

The Boot Camp Staff



  1. aoide has made a Comment

    Depending on where you meet you can park in my hood as well.

    You have no idea how Impressed I am with you. I know you think I am all workouty but I highly doubt i could get myself to do this. I know how big of a challege this must be and so I am super duper, extra depster, big time impressed. You rock the socks off that park!

    April 9, 2007 @ 12:49 pm

  2. living_tonglin has made a Comment

    It’s so nice to see an honest account of how it is.

    What is Tiger Balm?

    April 9, 2007 @ 1:09 pm

  3. flerly has made a Comment

    well there are four groups in Piedmont Park doing Bootcamp at the same time now. I WAS in the Charles Allen group. There’s a Grady School Group, a 10th street group, and a 12th street group — which is me. She said there’s nobody in that Willy’s parking lot at that time of the morning, so we should park there.

    And, for your encouragement… many thanks. Sometimes I can’t believe I’m doing it, either.

    April 9, 2007 @ 2:07 pm

  4. flerly has made a Comment

    Well, this was just the Pre-Testing and Orientation day. Veterens of the class were saying there are actual park workout days that leave people unable to walk….

    Tiger Balm was some kind of ointment for muscle soreness she suggested. Said it is non-greasy, and has a smell when you first apply it, but fades quickly. Oooh.. they have a website: http://www.tigerbalm.com

    April 9, 2007 @ 2:09 pm

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