Bootcamp Day 4
This sleep schedule is still hard. I was still awake at 12:30 last night, and realizing that the alarm would be going off in four hours doesn’t exactly ease your mind to help you fall asleep.
Achy this morning, but slathered on some Tiger balm in all the sore spots before I left. That helped tremendously, making me only tired as I worked out today instead of fighting the soreness. That is good stuff.
Today we did cardio drills, sprints, suicides — sprint a lap around cones, lunge walk a lap, sprint a lap… sprint half way, do some pushups, sprint back. We’ll just call this the day I couldn’t catch my breath.
Upside, though, I’m meeting many nice, funny people who are struggling through, too, so it’s not so bad Pam isn’t there, and I was in a downright chipper mood on the drive home, with the sun rising. I could get used to feeling this good in the mornings.
Update 7pm: The weather was perfect and JT was in a tennis mood, so chalk-up another 45 minutes of exercise for today. I will sleep tonight!
Hi everyone!
Meal Planning:
Eating FIVE to SIX small meals each day requires some planning! Be careful of your portion sizes… you will be eating six SMALL meals daily. Protein and carbs must be combined at every meal. We have been running boot camps for four years now, and lots of people have difficulties with this part. Even the busiest students (ER Nurses, Lawyers, people who are in meetings all day) can succeed – fail to plan, and you plan to fail.
Go to the bookstore soon and thumb through (or purchase) Eating for Life by Bill Phillips. Generally, the recipes in that book are great for Boot Camp. Eating for Life advocates a “free day” when you can eat anything you want. For the 30 day Boot Camp program, we do not have a free day. After you have completed your Boot Camp however, that free day can be a valuable tool.
Get to the grocery store and stock up on healthy food choices. Make sure some of them are portable too! Myoplex bars (the “light” variety better for women) are perfect for putting in your pocket when you have a busy schedule ahead. There are plenty of other bars out there, you just need to research which ones are healthy without too much sugar…
Carry your log book with you at all times. Write down every little thing you eat, your exercise, and how you are feeling. It is important to start off with good habits, instead of behind the 8 ball!
Please visit the following links for more information:
Have a great day everyone!!
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