Bootcamp Day 9

Never really felt like I recouped yesterday. Very nearly fell right back to sleep after turning the alarm off this morning. Just so tired. Yesterday’s day of jogging is still hurting my calves.
Today we did the usual warm up, then a warm-up lap, then partnered off for “quad” drills. Those lit obstacle cones were back, and we spent the hour doing various things from the squat position, with an occasional round of pushups just to give us a brief rest.
My quads are feeling used, but my calves are absolutely screaming for attention today. Hrm.. hot soak and a nap sounds nice…. But, no wait, how about a hot shower and then a drive up to Duluth for a day of appointments instead. Must remember to pack lunch, too.
Update 4pm: Wow, the amount of time I spend sitting at these appointments is really getting to me. My legs were killing me today, and I just didn’t get a chance to stretch them out. Hell, on these appointments, I’m lucky if I get a bathroom break, and today we got a whopping seven minutes for lunch. These just suck, though, after this week, there’s only one more week of them, so I’ll endure.
Talked to Pam today and suggested if she ever decided she wanted to do BootCamp, that I would be up for doing it again. I hurt. I’m tired all the time right now. BUT, I’m having fun. I feel better about myself just for doing this, and I swear my dress pants fit better this morning freshly washed than they usually do after a day of stretching them out.
And right now, if JT feels up to it, I think it’s beautiful weather for some tennis!
Tomorrow I have a 6 am Kickboxing studio class, so at least I don’t need to worry about wearing all my layers for being outside!
Update 10:45: Got in about 45 minutes of tennis before dinner, and didn’t die! However, a lengthy phone call from JT’s fam has kept me up way later than I wanted tonight. No naps today and the alarm goes off in 6 hours from NOW. If only I were actually sleepy and not just exhausted.
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