Bootcamp Day 12
Rifle run.
And let me just say, Matt has watched Full Metal Jacket a few too many times.
Stretchy-bands, folded in half, so that they can be held taut between our hands at about shoulder width apart, held for the entire session either out in front of us with straight arms or over our heads, as we jogged around the park for an hour, doing “Bootcamp themed” chants. When the whistle blows, the two people in the back of the double-line of jogging bootcampers had to sprint to the front of the line. The second time you ended up in back, when the whistle blew, you had to sprint a lap all the way around the jogging bootcampers then up to the front of the line.
And don’t forget to keep those rifles dry, Matt reminds the sprinters.
At one point I think, there are a few puddles today, so unless I let this drag the ground, there’s no way this “rifle” is getting wet… unless you continue to shout at us, in which case I may shove it up your ass, thus getting it just a tad moist. Of course, Matt is just a goob, trying to be encouraging, and the evil thoughts pass quickly and are mostly just funny.
I did much better jogging today, though holding something over your head and trying to count was frequently just too much to deal with concentration-wise.
As to bring a friend day… I can’t believe James is actually interested in going with me. I never would have figured it! I did, of course, put the invite out there to all not thinking he’d just want to go. I figured if nobody else wanted to, I could guilt him into it or something. But wow, yeah. He wants to. Nicola did express interest though, and he knows that, so if she really wants to go, I’m up for that! Otherwise, I guess I’ll just take JT. You other slackers missed your chance!
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