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Bootcamp Day 14

Posted in Crazy Wisdom,Workout on Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 10:10 am by flerly.

Stayed up just too late Friday and Saturday nights, and slept too late as a result. Pitifully I set my alarm for 8am today, so I could get up and get my work out over with, but I managed to snooze it until 9:20 before I rolled out of bed. Had a kicking sinus headache that sleep was managing to dull, so in lieu of exercising first thing, I popped two Excedrin sinus, had a bowl of cereal, and sat down in front of these damn computers again. I still have so much work to finish…

Right now I’m trying to make myself go DO something… a workout or a homework assignment. My body feels still and sore from being in bed, and getting up to workout feels like the last thing I want to do, though my brain tells me I’ll feel much better afterwards.

Will update.

Update 5:45: Spent the whole day looking at houses, but did manage to get in a workout first. Did the 4-mile walk video again, but this time, I jogged in place everytime they just walked, since I couldn’t bring myself to do the handweights again. Then plenty of stretching afterwards.

Forecast for the park in the morning: 51 and clear! Warmest day yet!


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