Bootcamp Bring-a-friend – Day 18

Huge thanks to Nicola for hanging out with me today, on the day I get my first punishment pushups!
Apparently, no matter how low-fat the rest of your diet is, having some Natural Peanut Butter more than once a week is just too much fat from one source. It’s lower sugar, lower fat than normal, it’s not even sweet tasting, it has protein, yet the 16 grams of fat in just 2 tablespoons, even THOUGH I have it because that fat really keeps me feeling full for hours on appointments when I can’t really take a break or eat, and sometimes don’t get lunch… well, poo poo on them. I’ll do pushups for my peanut butter if I have to.
Today instead of the alluded to “Circle of Pain” for abs, we did Marion’s concoction, a workout called “Pyramid Tour”. Usual jog to the warm-up area, jacks, squats wide, squats narrow, pushups, knee-ups, repeat to warm up, then stretch it out. Then we jogged the path around the field, sprinted from one corner to the pavilion area, then jogged on over to another field where we lined up to start pyramids. 1 situp, sprint across field, do 2 situps, sprint back, 3 situps, sprint across, do 4, etc. etc. up to 10, then lunges until everyone was done. Nicola left me in the dust, of course, because, well, I am uber slow to jog, so my “sprints” across the field were slow. Me, the “cousins”, Robert and his guest pretty much brought up the back of the pack and only got to 8 situps in the time everyone else did 10.
Hey, then we jogged some more! Just as we started an uphill, we all stoped to do little toe-taps on the curb mixed with a pyramid of squats. Toe-taps for the heart rate, then 10 squats, then toe-taps, 9 squats, toe-taps, 8 squats.. etc.
Hey, then we jogged some more! Around the path to that same evil triangle area at the top of the big concrete stairs. Most of us just did laps around the triangle, but a few vets were sidetracked over to go up and down those stairs until everyone caught up for at least two laps. Then we all stopped around the triangle and started the next pyramid on the low wall there around it. Step-ups to keep the heart-rate up, then 10 tricep dips, then step-ups, then 9 dips, step-ups, 8 dips, step-ups, etc. etc. etc.
Hey, then we jogged some more! Here I managed to catch up to Nicola and point out, in case she hadn’t noticed, that I was a slow jogger, and I hoped she was having some fun. She mentioned having some flashbacks of PE class, but all-in-all, fun. From there we jogged to the old familiar circle by the lake, two laps around, including up and back down the stairs there, then the last set of pyramids, pushups. This time, we did 1, rest, 2, rest, 3, rest up to 10 and then back down from 10, rest, 9, rest, 8, rest… etc. Then during stretches they did the predictable, Friends if you had fun, here’s your promo code to join, where you can get $25 off your first camp, now starting every week! Nicola was outstanding, but I’m not sure if she’d want to join. Good sport for showing, though. She said she’d be sore all day now, and said she didn’t envy me having to head off to work after that every morning.
For my part, I have to report that the orthopedic insert is greatly helping my completely flat foot, but the other one is giving me a nasty blister. It does help support my weak arch, and when I take it out I can feel the extra strain on my ankle, but I’m just not used to wearing it on that foot yet, so it was a constant pain. Ended up just leaving it out and carrying the damn insert around the rest of the day. Fricking blister.
Don’t think my ankle needs ice today, though, which is good. I’m back to mostly pain in my calves as before. Really want to soak in some hot water and stretch them out. It’s still pretty early, so maybe I can squeeze in a hot bath before my hot shower and still have time to get hot water back for JamesT. Let’s hope!
And, let me report, another good day of breathing while I jogged. This time, when I was breathing hard and nearing out of breath it was actual fatigue and not just lack of proper breathing. I still can’t believe I’m just suddenly getting this right. I could even fricking talk today while jogging. That’s just craziness!
Fricking peanut-butter penalty pushups, though. I mean encouragement pushups. *pout*
Update: I’m wearing dress pants today that I can’t remember the last time they zipped up. I look in the mirror and I still look the same, so apparently some gremlin traded my pants in for a bigger size over the last year.
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