Bootcamp Day 25 – Last day in the park

No warm up. Just a bit of stretching as we waited for 6 AM to roll around. Then 43 minutes of non-stop jogging/running. The whole course was 4 1/2 miles, with all the circles of everything, which I did not do. Me and a couple others are still not up to that much jogging, and have to walk bits in between. They figured we did about 3 1/2 in that time.
There are blisters on my blisters on my arches from these arch support inserts.
The last 20 minutes was like running with thumbtacks in my shoes.
I need to sit and soak.
We have so enjoyed having you with us and hope (expect 🙂 to see you in the future. Have a great time with kickboxing and with your travels this summer. You kicked butt today!
Update: I’m so pissed at myself. I may have “kicked butt” because I just kept going, but even with the skinsavers I bought to put on my feet, which are supposed to help prevent blisters, I have brand new nasty open sore blisters… again, and I’m essentially screwed for tomorrow. On my left foot, I wore a place right through my skin saver. Quality REI product, there. ANYWHO, all I have left to do is go in for the post tests, which include a timed mile run. Now both feet are fucked up, and they hurt so much I’m seriously considering not going. Which pisses me off, because I really want to go. But, I don’t want to be limping all weekend for the reunion. But, damnit… it is my last day, and I’m already missing the party because we’re driving up tomorrow night.
I’m just so pissed at myself. I get more blisters on my feet than anybody I’ve ever heard of. Seriously, with all the protection, good socks, skin savers, gel inserts, arch support inserts taped in place… everything done right, except my honking 8-million pounds of weight pounding down on it all when I try to run. For making it through this, I really should feel better about myself, but I just can’t seem to feel it.
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