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Free Bootcamp Day

Posted in Crazy Wisdom,Workout on Saturday, May 19, 2007 at 11:02 am by flerly.

Meet-up was 9:15, then we walked out to a big grassy area to do a regular Bootcamp workout. Lauren apparently runs the things on Saturday, and as one other camper described her, she is a “whirling dervish” of energy. We doubt she ever even sleeps.

Caterpillar hill or something like that was the name of this workout, and it was one we hadn’t done in my camp. Those old familiar cones were there, but it was daylight, people were in the park, and it was already warmer than usual for a Bootcamp workout day for me… so it was a bit weird. Just like a few minutes of warm ups makes you forget the cold, it can also make you forget any onlookers.

It was fun to meet up with people from other camps and their friends who had never been through it before. Talk about the instructors and weird workouts we’ve done. Had to steal JT’s good sunglasses for the day, since mine mysteriously broke the other day. Must get some if I want to keep doing this. There is no Saturday in the park next weekend, though, due to the jazz festival.

Hopefully, I’m back in the groove for kickboxing, though. I guess I’ve slacked enough. Time to get back to working out. I pushed hard today, felt some weakness in the pushups area, but rocked sit ups. Jogging on grass was always better than on the asphalt, so even that wasn’t too bad. Still weakest in the area of cardio endurance. There were a lot of pauses to walk today, but on what I THOUGHT they said was our last pass through the course running up and down the hill, I jogged the whole way non-stop, however they managed to run us through that one more last time, which did require a touch of walking to catch my breath.

Overall, I wasn’t too bad. I guess I made enough improvement over the course of camp that I didn’t lose it all with two slacker weeks off. Good to know!



  1. aoide has made a Comment

    I am Sooo sorry I missed it. I woke up and saw the time and just cursed. Soooooo sorry.

    May 21, 2007 @ 9:16 am

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    It was still fun, and it’s certainly not the last one. I’m going to try to hit all these free Saturdays that I can.

    May 21, 2007 @ 12:20 pm

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