Day Two – Stone Mtn
“Obstacle Course” was a 1/2 mile circuit around the parking lot, complete with a rope ladder on the ground for agility drills, then staggered cones for us to shuffle left and right though, then rope-a-dopes at the rope fence, then a series of hurdles to jump over, then a medicine ball station to do squat-jumps, then a station with handles for pushups, a line of cones for us to lunge-walk past, then a line of cones to high-knees past, then a final “speed course” of staggered cones for us to sprint between and touch.
The class did four circuits, with the exception of one veteran girl who did five. There was another new person there today, who did yesterday’s class in the afternoon instead, but the rest of the class are least 2-weeks in. I believe our vet is actually on her third month.
I didn’t really have to deal with any pain today in the course of it, but my legs sure got tired. I get behind because of the running from station to station mostly. Spent the whole time gasping for air, though I was trying to talk to our other newbie, too.
James complained afterwards of his lack of arm strength, and said his chest would be sore today, but his legs aren’t too bad.
This morning we changed up our routine, and hopefully this one will stick. We were still the first to arrive but only by a minute. Afterwards, quick shower, then another hour of sleep, then breakfast before work. I feel so much better than yesterday, after getting to sleep relatively early last night to get almost 6 hours sleep, and then another hour nap.
Tomorrow we’re supposed to bring mats, as it will be an arms and abs day.
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