The 411

Well… with my now persistent foot pain still being a problem after more than a week off from Bootcamp, I’ve decided to pull back to some non-weight-bearing exercise. Pilates has been again and again recommended for people recovering from injuries, and after taking some short pilates workouts on my trip, I think they will be more than challenging enough.
Thus, I’ve signed up with Decatur Yoga & Pilates on West Ponce, to do 1 unlimited month of pilates classes, which start next Saturday. They’re only restriction was me taking a beginner class before being allowed to sign up for regular classes, and those are only on Satudays. Thus, I guess, it’s really my own slacking for not researching this sooner, or else I could have worked in the class this past Saturday.
As such, I have another week to myself here. It would be the 4th week of this Bootcamp cycle. I know I can’t handle the jogging, as just a bit of walking aound the mall with Jennie Saturday turned quickly painful and became limping around the mall. Thus, I’ve already let Shannon know my plans. Although an overall goal of mine is to improve my cardio fitness, which would mean jogging and running, hopefully continued stretching and strength execises with Pilates will help keep me on my toning and weight loss track.
Schedule: Saturday 5/24 10:30 AM Pilates Basics (arrrive 20 min early)
optional: Sunday 5/25 3:30 PM Pilates Mat 1
Bring water, mat, large towel.
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