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Pilates and more

Posted in Workout on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 10:20 am by flerly.

Somehow a couple days in Bristol got me off my daily fitness posting habit. I did not make my Monday noon class due to some work items, but I did go last night. We did an entire session without props, and it was pretty tough for me.

I think the hardest thing I’m finding is there are a couple of pilates moves where you essentially do slow situps with your feet off the ground the entire time. I’m still having to grab a thigh to pull myself all the way up — though I’m not the only one.

The strangest move was their “Pilates Pushup”, which starts out in a standing position, you touch your toes, then walk out with your hands in 3 counts until you’re in pushup position, then you slowly lower yourself in 3 counts and back up in 1 several times, then you walk back toward your feet with your hands and hang there touching your toes for a moment, before you slowly roll back up to standing. And repeat several times.

Still very pleased with the classes, the people, the location, and especially how good I feel afterwards. Stepped on the scale last night for the first time since my last day of Bootcamp, and somehow even without consciously working out or dieting most of that time, I’ve managed to be down 8 pounds. I guess whatever extra muscle I’ve put on under this pudge is doing it’s thing afterall.


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