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Tired, bored, too stupid to go to… work

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Monday, June 3, 2002 at 8:59 am by flerly.

And with a horoscope like this, no wonder i’m slow getting out of here today.

People would be wise to get out of your way today, dear Scorpio. You might find yourself feeling like a steam engine whose engine is stoked to the brim with fiery hot coals. You are most likely quite adamant about the course you are on and no one is likely to pull you off track. If people look carefully, they might even be able to see the steam coming out of your ears.

Best take a quiz to make up for it (and while i finish this cereal)

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite??



  1. infinite1der has made a Comment

    “I’m on to your game, you Rogue!”

    June 3, 2002 @ 6:18 am

  2. infinite1der has made a Comment

    Take the What
    animal best portrays your sexual appetite??

    Seems fitting…

    June 3, 2002 @ 6:23 am

  3. flerly has made a Comment


    June 3, 2002 @ 7:33 am

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