“I hope you brought your striped pajamas boys, there’s a five-year sleepover at the big house, and you’re invited!”
How cool is it when you have a slave to fetch you dairy queen?
Go Bobby! Go Bobby! er rather… Go
How cool is it when you have a slave to fetch you dairy queen?
Go Bobby! Go Bobby! er rather… Go
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aoide has made a Comment
I do what I can. Having breasts sure does have it’s advantages!
June 4, 2002 @ 5:42 am
schlemaggle has made a Comment
was it something in the way of, “they’re called boobs, ed”?
June 4, 2002 @ 5:56 am
flerly has made a Comment
does this mean that the consensus is that “having boobs” would be influencial to Bobby?
Forgot to mention a lunch conversation with him from last week, where he was lamenting over apartment hunting and wishing he could just move back in with his parents (for money-saving purposes), but then said “Of course, how lame is it to take a girl home to your basement room at your parents house after a date, at least for anybody not of high-school age.”
Things that make you go hmmmm?
June 4, 2002 @ 6:10 am
schlemaggle has made a Comment
i was never one to question the inflence of boobs on Booby’s, oops–Bobby’s–life. boobs = power, much like the penis, but more so because boobs don’t shrink and shrivel in the cold and they are, in general, bigger. but back to topic: boobs and bobby. you can just tell he’s a boob-man. he’s got a certain “i like the boobies” air about him.
June 4, 2002 @ 6:19 am
flerly has made a Comment
Okay.. so I’m assuming if you thought the whole time that he was a “boob-man” and not just a boob, man, that you never wondered about his sexual orientation as the rest of us did?
June 4, 2002 @ 6:23 am
schlemaggle has made a Comment
actually, i was surprised when the issue was raised. i guess i’m not around him as much as you guys, but he just seems like a Gay-Straight man (as opposed to a Straight-Gay man). a guy who likes boobs and shops at Banana Republic. or maybe he’s just pretending to like the boobs. i dunno. the whole “him bringing a guy friend” to the Geek Fest has thrown my Gay-dar offline.
June 4, 2002 @ 6:42 am
flerly has made a Comment
3 cheers for the “fucking off at work” club!
I dunno. I’m just silly. Bobby is pretty cool. Just cuz he’s not hitting on Kit or me blatantly like Horny McWhackWhack I don’t guess it means he doesn’t like girls. He’s not exactly drooling over anybody guy or girl that I can see. Just seems a loner, pretty much.
And did I mention how nice he is to drive far in traffic and heat to fetch us dq?
Can I MENTION dq a few more times today? I’m expecting to be beaten up when I get home.
June 4, 2002 @ 7:02 am
schlemaggle has made a Comment
[/insert asthmatic nearly silent “help-me-i’m-not-breathing-but-wheezing” laugh here]
i think Bobby likes the boobs, in the privacy of his own home with a Maxim, (or while you and kit aren’t looking, at work) but he does have some asexual tendancies. maybe he’s just really shy? or not interested in a relationship? or picky? not to say that you and kit aren’t tantalizing, because you both are, but you’re both taken…plus, i get the impression that Bobby’s an “older woman” kind of chick. maybe he’s after a little Mrs. Robinson-action.
June 4, 2002 @ 7:21 am