Wedding Wrap-up

There were just so many things to coordinate for this wedding that I’m surprised more didn’t fall through the cracks. In essence, though, only the send-off went poorly, when as predicted, the groomsmen didn’t think to decorate the car so we had no where to “send” them off to. And, so much for allowing the bride to help tie the bird-seed packets… guests could barely get through the knot to get them open. Smart bride.
The 97 degree heat apparently cut our numbers despite the RSVPs, and it was commented that mostly local folks didn’t show. Our anticipated 150 turned into about 90, and left us with much food — though amazingly we went through the booze PDQ. The pavillion setup worked out great, and the combo concrete-sand dance floor was perfect. And I guess for never having run a wedding rehersal or ceremony before, I did okay. Figuring out how to walk down the aisle to non-traditional music was fun, and I owe a big “sorry” to Angela for messing with her plan for the girls. Angela had to walk first, and when I threw in the “try the traditional walk to slow things down” she did it great… then of course, nobody else could figure out how to do it, though at least they all walked slower than in rehersal.
Got tons of comments about how smooth everything went, and how beautiful it all was. Myself, the caterer, the DJ and the bartender were all invited to put together another party soon, and all but me apparently took the job gladly. My reply: “Am I related to the person this party is for? Otherwise, hell no. You can’t pay me enough.”
There are a million little gripey-bitchy-moany-whiny things I’d like to relate, but I think I’m just going to let things go. I’m still worrying about things relating to the event as if I could go back and fix them, even though I doubt anybody even noticed. More than anything I wish we’d had more hired help for the night as the help we had was kept pretty busy shuttling folks back and forth to their cars.
Honestly, I have no idea what family p0ses were made, though I hope the photographer was on top of those. Not sure why Jessie elected to let the photographer leave so early in the night and blow our chance of any good night shots with the fireworks, but was really too tired to care. Don’t think anybody got good shots of the fireworks really, but maybe there is video. I have 2 tapes left by Steven’s mom which need to be converted to digital so I can go through them.
Overall, caterers: wow! food was awesome! DJ: yeah, awesome. Nobody expects that many costume changes and for him to jump in and be dancing, too. He was hilarious! Cake lady: Um yeah, when I mentioned the cake would be in the sun, I meant the cake would be IN THE SUN. And she didn’t even leave us a box to save the cake top. I do hope somebody got pictures before we had to slice up the leaning-tower that it became in the sun. Dumbass.
And finally I was impressed at how many people just jumped in and worked their butts off to make things come together and to keep everything going. I guess it just goes to show how much Jessie is loved for the whole family to pull together in such a way to make the day the best it could be. I couldn’t be happier to have planned things and even to be HBIC for the day. It was sort of amazing to be running around materializing fans and water and safety pins and bobby-pins and whatever anybody needed without them having to ask twice in the midst of setting things up. I can’t wait to get more pictures to go through!
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