For no particular reason I care to disclose, I just felt the urge to say today that I’m feeling a peculiar sense of accomplishment. I just feel on track in several areas which are I guess just generally making me feel in control and if not happy per se, at least are easing some stress.
I can see the way out of this hole… it’s not an oubliette after all.
In other matters:
10K Classic went well. Yes, I actually did it. Wow, I did not expect them to take photos of the participants as they approach the finish line. Who’d want to buy that? Not me. Egads!
Light the Night walk approaches, and so far so good that mom is still interested in joining me. The notion of us doing this together, maybe even with sis and aunt G, well, just makes me really happy. Cannot believe how generous everyone has been with donations.
I’m sure the recent “100-year record” rain and flooding have reminding many folks of the many hidden joys of homeownership, and we haven’t been spared. Turns out our house is deep in need of some maintenance now… some water leaks in unexpected places, likely need a roof soon and gutter work, and our front retaining wall seems to be sagging. Nothing catastrophic from the rain, thank goodness, but there is a healthy list of things to do building up for sure.
I’m wondering if todays lovely cool weather and sunshine might be contributing to my overall good mood. Probably. Don’t tell JamesT, but I do love fall best of all! Whoops! =)
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