Month 2, Week 4 Day 1 – Tuesday

I know I talked about not doing it just today with Maggie, but I did just break down and register to continue going to Bootcamp for another month. Deal wasn't as good as the 2 for 1, but I reminded him I only get 12 workouts a month instead of 16 because of work, and registered for the $150 vets rate.
Today was joggerific, as we took off trail running again, this time up and across the path to the mountain top and down the other side to the playground. Once we got to the wet, rocky part he told us to walk it, so we actually got to look around and enjoy the view. Then we jogged it to the playground where we attempted some pullups (5 assisted) then headed back on the road. Ran about 15 minutes over time, walked most of the uphill chunks of the way back, but overall not to bad. Shannon estimated a total trip of 4 miles today.
Man, my arms were hurting and tight from just those 5 freaking pullups when I got home.
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