Oh what a slacker I've been… Month 2, Days 1 and 2

Weekend killed my stomach, so I ended up skipping Monday's eval day. Tuesday was normal meeting day, so Wednesday was my first day of week 2…. and boy did it suck. It was raining, so we did a day in the pavillion with weights and mats, which worked pretty much full body. Problem was, by the end of jumping jacks for the warm up, I was already seeing spots and getting really dizzy. Then I don't even remember exactly what exercises we did, but something where we were bending over and standing over and over, and I was pretty sure I was going to pass out. So weird, not exhausted, muscles not really tired yet, but just can't focus my vision. Went on a while doing most things with my eyes closed, which helped, but then when I would open my eyes, it would make me queasy. Maggie was kind enough to donate some water to my cause, which I gulped but it didn't help too much. Just couldn't stop the spinning, and really wimped out and got disgusted with myself. I have to assume it was poor hydration. Sat in my car after, eyes closed, drinking water until my head stopped spinning. Made it home and was freeeeezing to death rest of the day. Loaded up on water though.
Today, expected rainy and another day in the pavillion, instead it had stopped so we did a cardio day, since it was nice and cool. This was Shannon's idea of interval running with active recovey. Run the distance of 4 light poles, then pushups, squats, dips, step-ups on the curb to “recover”. We left the meetup point out to the right, made our way to the mountain walk-up trail, then onto the pedestrian lane, then turned to follow The Path out of the park as far as the big bridge. At each stop on the way there we did an active recovery period, then continued. Once there, Shannon wanted us to try to jog non-stop back… it would be 1 1/2 miles, mostly downhill. We made it as far as the walk-up trail parking lot, then everyone was walking, so we did another active recovery stop… doing freaking burpees. Then it was non-stop from there for the main group. Another vet who is still as bad at jogging as I am, she and I took turns bringing up the rear, even when we were jogging just because our pace is slower than the groups. That girl finally got fed up and told Shannon “I didn't sign up for this for the jogging, I hate it and you know it.” I decided to hang back with her and told her that maybe we'd do better if we set our own goal. I didn't realize Shannon was behind some bushes waiting for us and could hear us talking, but I told her that I would stay with her if she would try to run from 1 pole to the next, then we'd walk to the next pole, and run to the next, and so on. She agreed, then he popped out and scared the crap out of us and said that was a good idea for us to do. So, she and I did that, and we ended up finishing only maybe 3 or 4 minutes behind the rest of the group. When we got near the end, she thanked me for the idea and for staying with her… then we stretched and she grabbed her keys and book and wouldn't even talk to Shannon.
So, Shannon told me that he understood a little better what I'd meant about intervals before, and that he appreciated our effort to improve today by doing our own intervals. He also asked me if that girl was really pissed at him, and I had to tell him she was doing a lot of grumbling about jogging=torture, but that she did really well when I stayed with her.
So yeah… Friday-Tuesday off between camps equals 5 days for me to turn back into “blah”. Yesterday was quite the kick in the ass, though I feel pretty good today. Though, after only 2 days this is already week one down, and that seems almost like a waste. Must get back into my C25K program ASAP.
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