Days… of our lives

Amazingly was in the middle of an update to this when the power went out yesterday and haven't found the will to recreate it. Monday was parachutes day. Today was supposed to be obstacle course, which I really wanted to go to this afternoon after meetings, but I am full of ow. My legs are, egads! sore from Monday, but my real problem is apparently some strain across my stomach that had me baffled most of today…. until this evening when I coughed and realized that yes, I literally sneezed myself sore yesterday from hours of sneezing. I've coughed until my chest hurt before, but never sneezed myself into muscle pain, but there you have it. As such, instead of Bootcamp I curled my ouchful self up in a chair and read an entire book this evening. I'm considering going to walk on the treadmill right now to at least try to work out some leg soreness, but we'll see if any other homework gets done today.
Sneezing, for seriously. What a goob I am.
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