Day 17

Thursday was “Indian Run” all the way around the mountain, for almost 5 miles total. Whole group in a line walking fairly briskly, person in back sprints to the front and gets back in line walking, on and on and on, over and over, up and down hills, almost all the way around. Probably did this for 4 miles, which was tough but fun. Last big steep hill wiped us out and we had to pause to let people catch up. Maggie and I were both like “screw stopping now, if we stop our leg muscles will lock up and we won't start again” so we kept walking. Then he paired us up, so that nobody was solo and asked to try to jog it all the way back. It was mostly downhill back, but only a handful managed to jog it.
Fun day, really. Never did this before, and I figure it was because I'd always gone to the morning 45 minute class, and this took us an hour plus. It actually made me kind of keen to go back over with the fitPod and just try to walk/jog it myself.
Thursday night was also Kit's birthday gathering, and having just put in my food choices the calorie calcuation wasn't too bad. Figuring the hummus at 1 whole pita and 1/2 cup hummus for my share, then 2 cups of black bean soup with a 1 tbsp of regular sour cream, and then 2 captain morgan's & diet coke (which I was suprised to see in their food list!) I only went over by 56 calories for the day, but low on protein.
Totals: 1606 calories, 224 carbs, 32 fat, 69 protein.
And didn't end up making time to do Bootcamp homework, so… blah. Just kept thinking “I did 5 freaking miles this morning.” Longest stretch I recall from previous bootcamp was the torturous day we did 4 miles around Piedmont Park.
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