Days 15 & 16
I am still battling just being totally exhausted all the time. Tuesday, no bootcamp for me due to meetings, then had a couple wedding errands to run. Got home only shortly before JamesT did, and sat on the bed as he tells me he plans to do some yardwork. I apparently konked completely out for an hour without even trying, as next thing I know he wakes me up coming back in from finishing up. Did not get to any class last night, and completely slacked on homework for bootcamp. Just. Freaking. Tired.
Wednesday, running abs day = suck. No cardio endurance for me, it's just taking forever to get up the ability to jog for any length of time. I can walk for hours, even powerwalk it, but put a little bounce in that step and my breathing is out the window and I get light headed.
Sat in the car after class and drank my whole 2nd water bottle, then decided that if I went home right then that I would likely just pass out asleep. So, I set the FitPod for a 30 minute workout and took off into the park for a while. Walked around to the green-lot, then spent the time walking across in one direction, then running back across. My own little – walk -to-jog program, I guess.
Squats, lunges, pushups and crunches still to come today.
Still food tracking daily on, and just too lazy to copy it all over here right now.
Edit: Add 5pm yoga class to the days events. Ugh. I am now stretched out AND exhausted. Loverly.
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